buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title No Agenda Exit Strategies style.css header class hero nav div Exit Scroll class logo div class nav-links a Home href #home a Strategies href #strategies a Submit href #submit a Archive class cta-button href #archive div class hero-content h1 No Agenda Exit Strategies p A curated collection of exit strategies from the best podcast in the universe main section id strategies class strategy-grid h2 Popular Exit Strategies div class strategy-card h3 In the Morning! p The classic greeting and farewell of the No Agenda community span class tag text Classic div class strategy-card h3 Boots on the Ground! p Signing off as a local correspondent span class tag text Reporter div class strategy-card h3 Hit the Music, John! p The signature end to a deep analysis span class tag text Analysis div class strategy-card h3 Time to Deconstruct! p When it's time to break down the media span class tag text Media section id submit class submit-form h2 Submit Your Exit Strategy form class strategy-form input type text placeholder Your Exit Strategy id strategyInput textarea placeholder Description id descriptionInput button Submit type submit class submit-button section id archive class archive-section h2 Strategy Archive div class archive-grid id archiveContainer footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a About href #about a Contact href #contact a Archive href #archive p Created by and for the No Agenda community script.js